Catalog 2024-2025
Liberal Studies (A.A.) with Specialization in Global Studies +
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About the Degree
Career Information
Program & General Education Requirements
CCV’s Liberal Studies degree with a specialization in Global Studies affords you the benefits of a broad grounding in the liberal arts, combined with a timely focus on the global aspects and implications of your studies. As businesses and organizations increasingly seek staff with international experience and competencies, you will find that the skills and understanding you gain from this specialization will help you in securing employment and benefiting from the diversity of cultures and languages within your community and workplaces. You’ll become acquainted with the nature and extent of the serious issues that affect the globe and many of its peoples. You will develop a basic knowledge of diverse cultural practices, values, and differences that allows you to engage effectively in working relationships with a range of populations.
The specialization in Global Studies comprises 18 credits in courses with a global focus and is designed to work within the student’s Liberal Studies degree program and General Education requirements.
+ This program can be completed fully online.
Liberal Studies with Specialization in Global Studies Semester Map
Students in the Liberal Studies with Specialization in Global Studies degree program may choose to pursue one of the following CCV certificate as part of their degree:
Graduates of the Liberal Studies program will be able to:
- develop written work with a clear thesis, organize supporting arguments, and employ correct syntax, mechanics, and disciplinary conventions;
- prepare, organize, support, and orally present ideas that engage an audience and employ appropriate tone, language, and delivery style;
- use quantitative models, methods, and tools to evaluate information, draw conclusions, and provide supporting evidence for applications across a variety of disciplines;
- identify the information needed to approach a problem analytically; discover and evaluate academic resources using appropriate search strategies and technologies to locate, manage, and represent information digitally; and responsibly incorporate, represent, and cite source materials in written work;
- draw on experiences and learning in multiple disciplines to articulate how the students’ course choices have influenced their perspectives and understanding of themselves and the world;
- demonstrate an understanding of the roles of culture, ideology, history, technology and media in addressing social problems of national, transnational and global significance;
- demonstrate academic skills required of all CCV graduates in writing, information literacy, oral communication, and quantitative reasoning; and
- explore pathways and demonstrate preparedness for educational and career development in the student’s field of study.
This program is great for you if:
- you have an interest in learning more about the world beyond our borders;
- you would like to travel internationally or work abroad;
- you feel a strong sense of global responsibility and citizenship;
- you understand the value of broad cultural knowledge and conversing in another language;
- you wish to enhance your employment opportunities in workplaces with diverse staff, markets, and/or clientele;
- you plan to transfer to a four year degree program in global studies, anthropology, international relations, or a related field; and
- you are preparing for a career that requires some knowledge of languages, diversity issues, intercultural communication skills, and global competencies.
Key information and advice for students in the Liberal Studies degree with a specialization in Global Studies:
- The Specialization in Global Studies is taken as part of a Liberal Studies degree and cannot be completed alone.
- Students must complete 12 credits of required global studies classes, and can choose from a broad range of global courses in other areas to fulfill remaining program requirements according to their particular schedules, interests, and ambitions.
- Many global courses are easily accessible and the program can be completed with a minimum of travelling.
- Global competence is now broadly viewed as a vital 21st century skill set that a wide range of employers in business, economics, government, education, media and communications, transportation, tourism, and nonprofit organizations are demanding.
- The specialization allows students to gain additional global competencies in areas cited by employers as being particularly desirable such as language skills; intercultural communication skills; awareness, sensitivity, and tolerance of differences in values and cultural practices; an international perspective; and an understanding of the United States’ role in the world.
- Translator and Interpreter
- Diversity Manager
- Community Advocate
- Media and Public Relations Specialist
- Immigration Official
- Foreign Correspondent
Job outlook in Global Studies in the state of Vermont:
For up-to-date Vermont labor market information, including salary information and growth projections, please visit the Economic and Labor Market Information at the Vermont Department of Labor Website.
Transfer Options:
CCV programs are designed to make transfer to a bachelor’s degree program seamless, easy, and affordable for graduates. CCV has agreements and 2+2 transfer pathways within the Vermont State College System (VSCS) and other institutions in Vermont and the region. Early planning can help you follow a clear transfer path.
Visit our transfer page for additional information.
Program & General Education Requirements
CCV’s Liberal Studies degree with a specialization in Global Studies gives you the freedom to create a program that meets your educational and career goals. General Education Requirements
All associate degrees include completion of general education requirements which, together with program requirements, constitute a minimum of 60 credits. In some cases program requirements also fulfill general education requirements. You may not use a single course to meet two general education requirements. See the General Education Requirements for Associate Degrees for requirements and course choices. Complete at least one course in each of the following: First Semester Seminar Introductory Written Expression - VSCS Digital and Computing Literacy - VSCS Mathematics - VSCS Natural Science - VSCS Social Science - VSCS Arts & Aesthetics - VSCS Humanistic Perspectives - VSCS Communication Research & Writing Intensive Seminar in Educational Inquiry VSCS- These courses meet Vermont State College System General Education Framework. Liberal Studies Courses - 12 credits
Complete 12 credits of any college-level courses that meet your educational and career goals. Minimum Total Credits in Degree: 60
Courses chosen from the Global Studies Specialization Course List may be applied to both the general education and global studies specialization requirements in the Liberal Studies degree. You may not use a single course to meet two general education requirements. |
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